Judaism at home. Join the CTC—virtually! New topic each night.
What will it be this week?
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Here are the topics for this week:

CTC zoom classes for the week of 7/26/20 5 Tamuz 5780
Details about each event can be found on our Events page
Sunday: 7:00 p.m.
Judaism for the Uninitiated:
A Class for People Converting to Judaism
A Weekly Discussion About the Foundations of Judaism.
Monday: 12:15 Lunch & Learn with CTC Sisterhood: EMUNAH
Class 12: Emunah in ourselves. The difference in Emunah and Bitachon. To join this class please contact sara@charlottetorahcenter.com
Monday 7:00 p.m. We’re Done Fasting and Mourning for the Temple, now What?
Tuesday 12:30 p.m.
Advanced Class in Kashrut. This class is open but you must register. Please be in touch with Rabbi Oppenheim (rabbi@charlottetorahcenter.com)
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. W.O.W. Sara@7: Eishet Chayil Continues..
Wednesday : Mesilas Yesharim
Jewish Theology 101: Can G-d be a G-d of Justice but also a G-d of Compassion?
Thursday: Interpersonal Relationships.
Friday: (8/7) Pre – Shabbat Parsha Power.
Get ready to celebrate Shabbat with Practical Wisdom Culled from the Weekly Torah Portion
Just because you are home doesn’t mean you need to be isolated from Jewish engagement. Join us for any or all of the above. If you would like a class in a different topic, please send me an email to let me know (rabbi@charlottetorahcenter.com). We are here for you.
Details of the class, login and password are the same for all the classes unless otherwise noted.
Meeting ID: 770 959 734
Password: 030918