Join us for a community Shabbos and join in the discussions.
Friday night begins with candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat and at the CTC at 5:53 p.m. Followed by Shabbat dinner. Dinner topic discussion; Polarization: Good for Jewish Unity? Followed by Q&A.
Shabbat Day: Services at CTC beginning at 9:30 a.m. followed by Shabbat lunch. Topic of discussion: The recent rise of Antisemitism: What is our response?
About Rabbi Ben Packer

Originally from Petersburg, Virginia, Ben Packer graduated from the Univ. of North Carolina and moved to Israel in 1999, where he attended yeshiva and served in the IDF’s Givati Brigade in the Gaza Strip. Ben served as a Rabbi on campus at Univ. of North Carolina and at Duke Univ. Ben now serves as Director of the Jerusalem Heritage House ( and Co-Director of Young Jewish Conservatives ( He lives in the Old City of Jerusalem with his wife Eshter and their children.
Event RSVP
Friday night and Shabbat day
Friday Night Meal and Lecture
Saturday Day Lecture and Meal
Limited Space: Your ticket is your RSVP.