Messages from 2024

Rabbi O’s Weekly: Vayashev (Genesis 37-40) 5784-2023

How Do You Wrap Your Chanukah Gifts? Here’s a rarely discussed Chanukah topic: How should one give a Chanukah present? Sometimes it’s sufficient to simply ship it with an attached note but usually we have to wrap it and hand deliver it. A research team  set out to find out what impact wrapping has on a recipient’s appreciation […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4–36:43)

Becoming a Five Percenter“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” – Thomas A. EdisonThinking must be a very hard thing if such a small percentage of people engage in it.Jacob vowed (Genesis 28:22) that he would build G-d’s house […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Toldos (Genesis 25:19-28:9)

In the Hike up Life’s Mountain, Don’t Wear Stilettos Finally, after much hardship, Isaac and Rebecca were expecting a child. Just as Isaac had been transmitting Abraham’s teachings, ideas so profound that they would eventually lead to the creation of the Jewish people. The expectation was that Isaac and Rebecca’s child would be the next […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Vayeira (Genesis 18-22) 5785-2024

Outlast Your PastImagine a high school Physics student winning a national competition enabling him to work alongside Anton Zeilinger, the 2022 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics. Zeilinger tells him that he wants to slow down the electric current in a circuit but then instructs him to increase the voltage in the circuit. This student knows […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Noach(Genesis 6:9-11:32)

What Does Your Ark Look Like? These are the offspring of Noah; Noah as a righteous man, perfect in his generation…(Gen. 6:9) Was Noah truly a great man OR was he great only in his generation but if he had lived in the generation of Abraham, he would not have been considered anything of significance? According to […]

Yom Kippur 5785/2024

The Yom Kippur Mah-Nishtanah  On Passover we ask the Four Questions but every year as Yom Kippur rolls around many people ask, ma nishtanah ha shanah hazeh—How will this year be different from all others. In the synagogue, will I constantly be looking at my watch, feeling bored, hungry, and waiting for it to end? If […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly: Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8)

) Believing in Your Future  In the past, Jewish farmers would bring their harvest’s first fruits to Jerusalem. They would travel together with other farmers led by oxen whose horns had been coated in gold adorned with olive branches placed on their heads, and flutes musically accompanied the procession; they would travel for only […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9)I Hear You Knocking, but You Can’t Come In

A chassid was plagued by constant negative thoughts and couldn’t concentrate due to temptation, fantasy, worry, and anxiety. One night he was so desperate that he went to his Rebbe’s house hoping the Rebbe would impart some wisdom for how to rid himself of these destructive thoughts. He knocked on the front door, but nobody answered. He […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Matot-Masay (Numbers 30-36)

Delta Force and You The following incident about the unique training required by the Army’s most elite special forces unit was recorded by Eric Haney in his book Inside Delta Force. I had covered just slightly over thirty miles by now, but still had more than twenty to go. It was getting more and more difficult […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1)

Great Days, not Dark Days Choni HaMaagal, a Jewish sage who lived two thousand years ago, once passed a man planting a carob tree and asked how long it would take for the tree to bear fruit. When the man responded that it would take 70 years, Choni asked, “are you certain you will live another seventy years?” […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Balak (Numbers 22:2–25:9)

Israel: The Great Light We Call Home The IDF has fought wars for Israel’s survival since the inception of the State. Syria, Lebanon, Jordon and other Nations who are in close proximity to Israel could have easily chosen to live in peace but chose war. Thousands of years ago Balak, the king of the Moabite nation, […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Chukas (Numbers 19:1-22:1)

To Life!An unpleasant topic we all must deal with is death. Two years ago, I lost my mother and father within three months of one another. No amount of logic soothed my emotions. They were both in their nineties and had led full, active, and productive lives. They were generous and we had a wonderful […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Korach (Numbers 16-18) 

 Good—or Bad and Ugly: How to ArgueOver thirty years ago Sara shared a story with me she heard from one of the marriage counselors who trained her. He was called late at night by a neighbor in an apartment building who heard a couple yelling at one another and it seemed to be getting progressively […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Shlach (Numbers 13-15)

Master Your Surroundings or They Will Master YouThe time had come for the Israelites to send spies to the Land of Israel to make a reconnaissance mission. Before entering the Land, they needed to know about its inhabitants and terrain. There were twelve spies in all, two of whom (Joshua and Caleb) came back with […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89)

Seizing the Moment of Inspiration Imagine a college freshman away from home for the first time; the feeling of freedom sets in immediately. He can finally party, drink, and do other activities whenever he likes but he isn’t mature in how he uses his new autonomy. After a month or two he begins to see the […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Bechukosai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34) 

The Familiar and Predictable Pattern We Seem to Forget  In1927, Meshech Chochma¸ one of the original Torah commentaries in the modern era was published. In this piece, the familiar cycle of Jews excelling in their host country and then the ensuing persecution is explained. It is remarkable—if not prophetic—that, years before the Holocaust, this commentary used […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2)

)A Radical Solution for Intergenerational Poverty Imagine the following two scenarios: (1) You decide to sell land that had been in your family for generations and sometime later you realize it was a major immense mistake. Your family falls into poverty, which leads to a downward social and economic spiral, one which can lead to what […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Kedoshim (Leviticus19-20)

Rethinking Holy Karl Duncker, one of the pioneers of Gestalt psychology, conceived a challenge to demonstrate the need for unconventional thinking. In a room with a table pushed against the wall is a box of thumbtacks, matches, and a candle. Subjects were asked to attach the candle to the wall and have it lit. Many […]

Rabbi O’s Weekly Parsha: Achrei Mot(Leviticus 16-18)

Self-Imposed SlaveryWhat would you do if you lost your life’s savings? About 18 years ago, thousands of people had to face this tragedy. In her book Lost and Found, Geneen Roth describes the intense pain of finding out that all her life’s savings were lost to Bernie Madoff but what she gained was priceless.Before the […]