Volunteer Opportunities

Please consider joining us to help bring more meaningful and fun Judaism into your life and to others in Charlotte. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and click “submit.” The list of opportunities below is a brief sketch of what is available, so please email or call us to learn about specific ways that you can contribute your talents and interests. We’d love to hear from you!

CTC Volunteer Opportunities

Facilities Committee:

2-3 volunteers to help with managing the CTC facilities.

Fundraising Committee:

2-3 volunteers to help with fundraising.

Kiddush Committee:

3-5 volunteers to help shop, cook, prep, set-up and clean-up for kiddush.

Marketing Committee:

3-4 volunteers to help with marketing ideas, graphic design, flyer distribution, writing articles, website, photography, etc.

Membership Committee:

2-3 volunteers to help with recruitment, data entry, follow-ups, etc.

Programming Committee (Sara Oppenheim – Chair):

1-2 volunteers to help organize group classes.
2 Special Events Coordinators – to help head up the special events such as speakers, family and holiday events, high holiday services, etc.
3-5 volunteers to help organize, shop, set-up and clean up for the special events.

Charlotte Jewish Women’s Initiative:

3-4 volunteers to help organize, shop, set-up and clean up for all CJWI events.

Youth Programming Committee:

3-4 volunteers to help organize, shop, set-up and clean-up for all the children’s and family events and classes.


Volunteer by submitting the form below:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Committee (required)